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RGB to HSV Conversion

Write a function `rgb_to_hsv(r, g, b)` that converts RGB color values to HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) format. The RGB values are provided as integers in the range 0-255, and the function should return the HSV values as a tuple `(h, s, v)` where:

- `h` (hue) is a float in the range 0-360.
- `s` (saturation) is a float in the range 0-100.
- `v` (value) is a float in the range 0-100.

#### Example Usage
```python [main.nopy]
print(rgb_to_hsv(255, 0, 0))  # Output: (0.0, 100.0, 100.0)
print(rgb_to_hsv(0, 255, 0))  # Output: (120.0, 100.0, 100.0)
print(rgb_to_hsv(0, 0, 255))  # Output: (240.0, 100.0, 100.0)

#### Notes
- The RGB values should be normalized to the range 0-1 for calculations.
- Use the formulas for converting RGB to HSV as described in the [GeeksforGeeks article](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/program-change-rgb-color-model-hsv-color-model/).
def rgb_to_hsv(r, g, b):
    Convert RGB color values to HSV.

    r (int): Red component (0-255)
    g (int): Green component (0-255)
    b (int): Blue component (0-255)

    tuple: (h, s, v) where h is hue (0-360), s is saturation (0-100), and v is value (0-100).
    # Normalize RGB values to the range 0-1
    # Calculate the HSV values
    # Return the HSV values as a tuple