-- Create a sequence to provide an integer primary key for the table DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS id_sequence CASCADE; CREATE SEQUENCE id_sequence START 1; -- Create the users table DROP TABLE IF EXISTS users; CREATE TABLE users ( id INTEGER DEFAULT nextval('id_sequence'), username VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL UNIQUE, email VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL UNIQUE, full_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, age INTEGER, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ); -- Insert 10 rows of test data INSERT INTO users (username, email, full_name, age) VALUES ('john_doe', '[email protected]', 'John Doe', 30), ('jane_smith', '[email protected]', 'Jane Smith', 28), ('bob_johnson', '[email protected]', 'Bob Johnson', 35), ('alice_williams', '[email protected]', 'Alice Williams', 26), ('charlie_brown', '[email protected]', 'Charlie Brown', 22), ('diana_miller', '[email protected]', 'Diana Miller', 31), ('eric_davis', '[email protected]', 'Eric Davis', 29), ('fiona_taylor', '[email protected]', 'Fiona Taylor', 33), ('george_wilson', '[email protected]', 'George Wilson', 27), ('hannah_moore', '[email protected]', 'Hannah Moore', 24);
Practice DuckDB SQL commands using DuckDB in WASM
Credit: duckdb/duckdb-pyodide