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Toggle Case of String

Write a function `toggle_case` that takes a string as input and returns a new string where the case of each character is toggled. Uppercase characters should become lowercase, and lowercase characters should become uppercase.

#### Example Usage
```python [main.nopy]
print(toggle_case("Python"))  # Output: "pYTHON"
print(toggle_case("Pangram"))  # Output: "pANGRAM"
print(toggle_case("LIttLE"))  # Output: "liTTle"

#### Constraints
- The input string will only contain alphabetic characters.
- The function should handle both uppercase and lowercase letters.
def toggle_case(string):
    Toggle the case of all characters in the input string.

        string (str): The input string.

        str: A new string with toggled case for each character.
    # Replace the following line with your implementation