Fake Product Catalog with Faker

Generating a realistic product catalog for e-commerce testing or mockups

from faker import Faker
import random

fake = Faker()

def generate_product():
    categories = ["Electronics", "Clothing", "Home & Garden", "Books", "Toys"]
    return {
        "id": fake.uuid4(),
        "name": fake.catch_phrase(),
        "category": random.choice(categories),
        "price": round(random.uniform(10, 1000), 2),
        "description": fake.paragraph(),
        "manufacturer": fake.company(),
        "in_stock": random.randint(0, 100),
        "rating": round(random.uniform(1, 5), 1),
        "features": [fake.bs() for _ in range(3)],
        "dimensions": {
            "length": round(random.uniform(1, 100), 2),
            "width": round(random.uniform(1, 100), 2),
            "height": round(random.uniform(1, 100), 2),
            "weight": round(random.uniform(0.1, 50), 2)

# Generate 10 products
product_catalog = [generate_product() for _ in range(10)]

# Print the generated catalog
for product in product_catalog:
    print(f"Product: {product['name']}")
    print(f"Category: {product['category']}")
    print(f"Price: ${product['price']}")
    print(f"Description: {product['description']}")
    print(f"In Stock: {product['in_stock']}")
    print(f"Rating: {product['rating']} / 5")