You have unsaved changes
import random

lives = 6

chosen_word = "baboon"

placeholder = ""
word_length = len(chosen_word)
for position in range(word_length):
    placeholder += "_"
print("Word to guess: " + placeholder)

game_over = False
correct_letters = []

while not game_over:

    print(f"****************************{lives}/6 LIVES LEFT****************************")
    guess = input("Guess a letter: ").lower()

    if guess in correct_letters:
        print(f"You've already guessed {guess}")

    display = ""

    for letter in chosen_word:
        if letter == guess:
            display += letter
        elif letter in correct_letters:
            display += letter
            display += "_"

    print("Word to guess: " + display)

    if guess not in chosen_word:
        lives -= 1
        print(f"You guessed {guess}, that's not in the word. You lose a life.")

        if lives == 0:
            game_over = True

            print(f"***********************IT WAS {chosen_word}! YOU LOSE**********************")

    if "_" not in display:
        game_over = True
        print("****************************YOU WIN****************************")
Click Run or press shift + ENTER to run code.
Word to guess: ______
****************************6/6 LIVES LEFT****************************
Word to guess: ______
You guessed v, that's not in the word. You lose a life.
****************************5/6 LIVES LEFT****************************
Word to guess: ______
You guessed v, that's not in the word. You lose a life.
****************************4/6 LIVES LEFT****************************
Word to guess: ______
You guessed v, that's not in the word. You lose a life.
****************************3/6 LIVES LEFT****************************
Word to guess: ______
You guessed v, that's not in the word. You lose a life.
****************************2/6 LIVES LEFT****************************
Word to guess: ______
You guessed v, that's not in the word. You lose a life.
****************************1/6 LIVES LEFT****************************
Word to guess: ______
You guessed v, that's not in the word. You lose a life.
***********************IT WAS baboon! YOU LOSE**********************