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Sector Area Calculation

Write a Python function `sector_area` to calculate the area of a sector of a circle. The function should take two parameters:

1. `radius` (float): The radius of the circle.
2. `angle` (float): The angle of the sector in degrees.

The function should return the area of the sector. If the angle is greater than 360 degrees, the function should return `None`.

#### Example Usage
```python [main.nopy]
print(sector_area(4, 45))  # Output: 6.283185307179586
print(sector_area(9, 45))  # Output: 31.808625617596654
print(sector_area(9, 361)) # Output: None
import math

def sector_area(radius, angle):
    Calculate the area of a sector of a circle.

    radius (float): The radius of the circle.
    angle (float): The angle of the sector in degrees.

    float or None: The area of the sector, or None if the angle is invalid.
    # Check if the angle is valid
    # Placeholder for the calculation