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Snake to Camel Case

Write a Python function `snake_to_camel` that converts a given snake_case string into a CamelCase string.

#### Requirements:
- The input will be a string in snake_case format (e.g., `"example_string"`).
- The output should be a string in CamelCase format (e.g., `"ExampleString"`).

#### Example Usage:
```python [main.nopy]
print(snake_to_camel("android_tv"))  # Output: "AndroidTv"
print(snake_to_camel("google_pixel"))  # Output: "GooglePixel"
print(snake_to_camel("apple_watch"))  # Output: "AppleWatch"

#### Constraints:
- Assume the input string will only contain lowercase letters and underscores.
- The input string will not start or end with an underscore, and there will be no consecutive underscores.
def snake_to_camel(snake_str):
    Convert a snake_case string to CamelCase.

        snake_str (str): The input string in snake_case format.

        str: The converted string in CamelCase format.
    # Split the string by underscores and capitalize each part
    # Join the parts together to form the CamelCase string
    pass  # Replace this with your implementation