The glob module

The glob module provides a way to search for files and directories using pattern matching rules similar to those used in the command-line shell. It allows us to find files based on their names or specific patterns.

Here's an example of how you can use the glob module:

import glob

# Find all python files in the current directory
py_files = glob.glob("*.py")

In this code, we import the glob module and use the glob.glob() function to search for files based on patterns. We can then search for all python files (*.py) in the current directory. The glob.glob() function returns a list of matching file names, which we print.

As a second example, let's search for all Python files (*.py) in a specific directory ("/home") and its subdirectories.

# Find all Python files in a specific directory and its subdirectories
py_files = glob.glob("/home/**/*.py", recursive=True)

By using the ** pattern and setting recursive=True, the glob.glob() function searches for files recursively in all subdirectories.

The glob module supports various pattern matching rules, including wildcards (* and ?), character ranges ([...]), and recursive matching (**). It provides a flexible and convenient way to search for files and directories based on specific patterns.