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Convert List Elements to Floats

Write a Python function `convert_to_floats(data)` that takes a list of lists as input. Each inner list contains elements that are either strings representing numbers or other non-convertible strings. The function should return a new list of lists where all elements that can be converted to floats are converted, while non-convertible elements remain unchanged.

#### Example Usage
```python [main.nopy]
input_data = [["3", "4.5", "hello"], ["1.2", "world", "7"]]
output_data = convert_to_floats(input_data)
print(output_data)  # Output: [[3.0, 4.5, "hello"], [1.2, "world", 7.0]]

#### Requirements
- Iterate through each element of the input list of lists.
- Attempt to convert each element to a float.
- If conversion fails, keep the element as is.
- Return the modified list of lists.
def convert_to_floats(data):
    Convert all convertible elements in a list of lists to floats.

        data (list of lists): A list containing sublists with string elements.

        list of lists: A new list of lists with convertible elements converted to floats.
    # Initialize the result list
    result = []
    # Iterate through each sublist
    for sublist in data:
        # Process each element in the sublist
        converted_sublist = []
        for element in sublist:
            # Attempt to convert the element to a float
            # Placeholder for conversion logic
        # Append the processed sublist to the result
    return result