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Create Tuple from List and String

Write a function `new_tuple(test_list, test_str)` that takes two arguments:

1. `test_list`: A list of strings.
2. `test_str`: A single string.

The function should return a new tuple that combines all elements of `test_list` followed by `test_str`.

#### Example Usage:

```python [main.nopy]
print(new_tuple(["WEB", "is"], "best"))  # Output: ('WEB', 'is', 'best')
print(new_tuple(["We", "are"], "Developers"))  # Output: ('We', 'are', 'Developers')

#### Constraints:
- The input list will only contain strings.
- The input string will be a single string.
- The function should return a tuple.
def new_tuple(test_list, test_str):
    Combine a list of strings and a single string into a tuple.

    test_list (list): A list of strings.
    test_str (str): A single string.

    tuple: A tuple containing all elements of the list followed by the string.
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