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Drop Empty Dictionary Items

Write a function `drop_empty` that takes a dictionary as input and returns a new dictionary with all key-value pairs where the value is `None` removed.

#### Example Usage
```python [main.nopy]
print(drop_empty({'c1': 'Red', 'c2': 'Green', 'c3': None}))
# Output: {'c1': 'Red', 'c2': 'Green'}

print(drop_empty({'c1': 'Red', 'c2': None, 'c3': None}))
# Output: {'c1': 'Red'}

print(drop_empty({'c1': None, 'c2': 'Green', 'c3': None}))
# Output: {'c2': 'Green'}
def drop_empty(input_dict):
    Removes key-value pairs from the dictionary where the value is None.

        input_dict (dict): The dictionary to process.

        dict: A new dictionary with None values removed.
    # Implement the function logic here