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Maximize Tuple Elements

Write a function `maximize_elements` that takes two tuples of tuples as input and returns a new tuple of tuples. Each inner tuple in the result should contain the element-wise maximum of the corresponding inner tuples from the input.

#### Example Usage
```python [main.nopy]
result = maximize_elements(((1, 3), (4, 5), (2, 9), (1, 10)), ((6, 7), (3, 9), (1, 1), (7, 3)))
print(result)  # Output: ((6, 7), (4, 9), (2, 9), (7, 10))

#### Constraints
- The input tuples will have the same structure and dimensions.
- Each inner tuple will contain integers.
- The function should not modify the input tuples.
def maximize_elements(tuple1, tuple2):
    Given two tuples of tuples, return a new tuple of tuples where each inner tuple
    contains the element-wise maximum of the corresponding inner tuples from the inputs.

    tuple1 (tuple of tuples): The first input tuple of tuples.
    tuple2 (tuple of tuples): The second input tuple of tuples.

    tuple of tuples: A new tuple of tuples with element-wise maximum values.
    # Initialize the result tuple
    result = ()
    # Implement the logic to compute the element-wise maximum
    # Placeholder for the solution
    return result