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Find the N'th Lucas Number

The Lucas sequence is a series of integers closely related to the Fibonacci sequence. The first two numbers in the Lucas sequence are 2 and 1, and each subsequent number is the sum of the two preceding numbers. Write a function `find_lucas(n)` that computes the n-th Lucas number.

#### Examples
```python [main.nopy]
find_lucas(0)  # Output: 2
find_lucas(1)  # Output: 1
find_lucas(5)  # Output: 11
find_lucas(9)  # Output: 76

#### Constraints
- The input `n` will be a non-negative integer.
- The function should use recursion to compute the result.
def find_lucas(n):
    Compute the n-th Lucas number using recursion.

        n (int): The index of the Lucas number to compute.

        int: The n-th Lucas number.
    # Base cases
    # Add recursive logic here