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Remove Lowercase Substrings

Write a Python function `remove_lowercase` that takes a string as input and removes all lowercase alphabetic characters from it. The function should return the modified string.

#### Example Usage
```python [main.nopy]
remove_lowercase("PYTHon")  # Output: "PYTH"
remove_lowercase("FInD")    # Output: "FID"
remove_lowercase("STRinG")  # Output: "STRG"

#### Constraints
- The input string will only contain alphabetic characters (both uppercase and lowercase).
- The function should preserve the order of the remaining characters.
import re

def remove_lowercase(input_string):
    Removes all lowercase alphabetic characters from the input string.

        input_string (str): The string to process.

        str: The string with lowercase characters removed.
    # Replace this comment with your implementation