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Replace Blank Spaces

Write a Python function `replace_blank` that takes in two arguments:

1. A string `input_string`.
2. A character `replacement_char`.

The function should replace all blank spaces in the `input_string` with the `replacement_char` and return the modified string.

#### Example Usage
```python [main.nopy]
replace_blank("hello world", "-")
# Output: "hello-world"

replace_blank("python programming", "*")
# Output: "python*programming"

replace_blank("replace spaces", "_")
# Output: "replace_spaces"
def replace_blank(input_string: str, replacement_char: str) -> str:
    Replace all blank spaces in the input string with the specified replacement character.

        input_string (str): The string to process.
        replacement_char (str): The character to replace spaces with.

        str: The modified string with spaces replaced.
    # Replace spaces with the replacement character
    pass  # Replace this with the actual implementation