The not Operator

# Define a Boolean variable
is_available = True

# Use the not operator to invert the value
print(not is_available)  # Output: False
# Define a Boolean variable
is_raining = False

# Use the not operator in an if statement
if not is_raining:
    print("Let's go for a walk!")
    print("Better stay indoors.")
Let's go for a walk!
# Define variables
temperature = 25

# Use the not operator with a comparison
if not temperature > 30:
    print("The temperature is not above 30 degrees.")
    print("The temperature is above 30 degrees.")
The temperature is not above 30 degrees.
# Define variables
age = 20
has_permission = False

# Use the not operator with and and or operators
if not (age < 18 or has_permission):
    print("Access granted.")
    print("Access denied.")
Access granted.
# Without using not
response = "no"
if response == "no" or response == "n":
    print("Negative response received.")
    print("Positive response received.")

# Using not
response = "no"
if not (response != "no" and response != "n"):
    print("Negative response received.")
    print("Positive response received.")
Negative response received.
Negative response received.
# Define a list of numbers
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

# Use the not operator in a list comprehension to filter out even numbers
odd_numbers = [num for num in numbers if not num % 2 == 0]
print(odd_numbers)  # Output: [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
[1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
# Define a function that checks for an empty list
def is_empty(lst):
    return len(lst) == 0

# Example usage
my_list = [1, 2, 3]

if not is_empty(my_list):
    print("The list is not empty.")
    print("The list is empty.")
The list is not empty.
# Define a list of fruits
fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]

# Use the not operator to check for non-membership
fruit_to_check = "mango"
if fruit_to_check not in fruits:
    print(f"{fruit_to_check} is not in the list.")
    print(f"{fruit_to_check} is in the list.")
mango is not in the list.