
Integers and floats are two different types of numerical data.

Integers are whole numbers without any decimal points. For example:

age = 15
print(age)  # output: 15

In this example, age is a variable that holds the value 15, which is an integer. Integers can be positive or negative.

Floats, on the other hand, are numbers that have decimal points. For example:

pi = 3.14
print(pi)  # output: 3.14

In this example, pi is a variable that holds the value 3.14, which is a float.

You can perform various mathematical operations on integers and floats, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. For example:

x = 5
y = 2
sum = x + y
print(sum)  # output: 7
product = x * y
print(product)  # output: 10
quotient = x / y
print(quotient)  # output: 2.5

In this code, we have two variables x and y that hold the values 5 and 2 respectively. We can add them together (x + y), multiply them (x * y), or divide them (x / y).

It's important to note that when you perform operations between an integer and a float, the result will be a float. For example:

result = x / 2

In this code, x is an integer and 2 is an integer, but the result of the division will be a float (2.5).

You can also convert between integers and floats using the int() and float() functions. For example:

x = 5
y = float(x)  # Convert x to a float
print(y)  # output: 5.0
z = int(y)  # Convert y back to an integer
print(x)  # output: 5

In this code, we convert the integer 5 to a float using float(x), and then convert it back to an integer using int(y).

Integers and floats are commonly used in mathematical calculations, storing measurements, and representing decimal values in Python.